The Port of Roscoff
Roscoff is a small town located in Brittany in North West France. The deep water port at Roscoff has only been in existence since 1968, and there are 8 sailings a week operated by Brittany Ferries between Roscoff and Plymouth with an average duration of 5 hours and 30 minutes. At the time of writing car parking is free at Roscoff by means of an open car park in front of the passenger terminal, but parking is at the car owners own risk.
GPS co ordinates |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Roscoff Ferry Port |
48º43'18.4" N (48.72178 N) |
3º58'1.2" W (-3.96700 E) |
Roscoff Ferry Port by Car
Roscoff can be reached by taking the E50 from Paris to Morlaix, and then the N58 to the port itself.
Roscoff Ferry Port Information
Address & contact details
Gare Maritime
Port de Bloscon
Tel: 0298 292 813
Port Facilities
There is a bar/restaurant open for all sailings during the summer and from 10:00 to 19:00 during the winter.
Bureau de change
There is a bureau de change open for all ferry departures and arrivals.
Disabled facilites
- • All facilities are situated on the ground floor of the terminal
- • There are disabled toilets in the terminal and after the check-in, in car the lanes
- • Disabled foot passengers are provided with transport to and from the ships
- • There are wheelchairs available in the terminal for emergencies
There are showers available within the terminal open during the terminal's opening hours. You can buy tokens from the bar at a price of 2€ for six minutes.
There is a small souvenir and paper shop open during summer months for arrivals and departures.
Tourist Information Office
There is a tourist information office close to the Lighthouse, at the old port of Roscoff. The one in the terminal is open only during July and August.
Dogs are allowed in all areas of the port providing that they are on a lead and muzzled.
22 January 2025
by Paul Quigley