24/7 Emergency Support |
Broken down: Repaired or Recovered to a Garage |
In an Accident: Recovered to a Garage |
Vehicle catches fire: Recovered to a garage |
Tyre problems: Roadside assist or taken to a Garage |
Vehicle is vandalised: Recovered to a garage |
Loss of keys |
Garage Costs: Covers the first £500 of any bill |
Vehicle is stolen and not recovered |
Vehicle out of action: Car hire or onward travel costs |
Vehicle out of action: Local hotel costs |
Need spare parts: Courier costs covered |
Vehicle been broken into: Emergency repair costs |
Vehicle not fixed: Vehicle repatriation to UK |
Car left abroad: Costs if you choose to collect |
Spanish bail deposits: Help with raising cash |
Legal expenses |
Injured or too ill to drive |
Problem before you leave UK: Vehicle rental costs |
Cover for your caravan or trailer if it has a problem |
Trailer or Caravan taken to UK if it can't be fixed |