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European breakdown cover comparison


See how our european breakdown cover compares in terms of whats covered against the AA and the RAC

The comparison table shown below has been gathered by an independent research team based on findings taken on the 4th of March 2023. In all cases breakdown operators were contacted via their call centres in order to verify what incidents would be covered.

Covered for Our Cover AA RAC
2 weeks cover* £36.49 £73.68 £66.45
Vehicle Breakdown yes yes yes
Accident yes yes no
Vandalism yes no no
Fire yes no no
Theft yes no no
Attempted Theft yes yes yes
Lockout yes no no
Puncture or Flat Tyre yes yes yes


See how our European breakdown cover compares on levels of cover

The amounts shown are the maximum payable under the policy.

Levels of Cover Bronze Silver Gold
24/7 Emergency Support yes yes yes
Broken down: Repaired or
Recovered to a Garage
yes yes yes
In an Accident: Recovered
to a Garage
yes yes yes
Vehicle catches fire:
Recovered to a garage
yes yes yes
Tyre problems: Roadside
assist or taken to a Garage
yes yes yes
Vehicle is vandalised:
Recovered to a garage
yes yes yes
Loss of keys yes yes yes
Garage Costs: Covers the
first £500 of any bill
no no yes  
Vehicle is stolen and not
yes yes yes
Vehicle out of action: Car
hire or onward travel costs
yes yes yes
Vehicle out of action:
Local hotel costs
yes yes yes
Need spare parts: Courier
costs covered
no yes yes
Vehicle been broken into:
Emergency repair costs
no yes yes
Vehicle not fixed:
Vehicle repatriation to UK
no yes yes
Car left abroad: Costs if
you choose to collect
yes yes yes
Spanish bail deposits:
Help with raising cash
no yes yes
Legal expenses no yes yes
Injured or too ill to drive no yes yes
Problem before you leave
UK: Vehicle rental costs
no yes yes
Cover for your caravan or
trailer if it has a problem
yes yes yes
Trailer or Caravan taken to
UK if it can't be fixed
no yes yes